Coordination between CTI and SOC: how to further raise the defenses
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
The Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) and a Security Operations Center (SOC) are two important parts in a company’s security process. They help identify and mitigate the risks involved in the digital world. CTI is a proactive measure that helps identify potential threats, while SOC is a reactive measure that helps detect and mitigate an attack. Together, CTI and SOC are two important tools in the IT field.
The CTI helps organizations identify potential threats by collecting data from various sources such as social media, dark web , malware database, etc . It then analyzes this data using advanced analytics tools such as machine learning algorithms and provides useful information to decision makers.
A SOC, on the other hand has a more responsive approach in that it detects and mitigates an attack as soon as it occurs. SOCs use various methods such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, log management systems, etc.
The relationship between CTI and SOC can be described in one sentence:
The CTI provides valuable information to the SOC, while the SOC provides the CTI with relevant feedback.

CTI and SOC: what are they?
Before collaborating in security management, CTI and SOC are two distinct things that have different roles and purposes. Let’s see them briefly together.
What is the CTI
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is the process of collecting, analyzing and disseminating information on cyber incidents to help identify and combat cyber threats. It is an intelligence discipline that deals with the identification and analysis of cyber threats. The CTI can be used to prevent future attacks on an organization by identifying potential vulnerabilities in the system .
Cyber Threat Intelligence can be considered a form of proactive cyber defense . With CTI, organizations are better able to protect themselves from various types of cyber attacks. There are three main types of cyber threat intelligence:
1) Cyber Attack Intelligence: information on methods and reasons of the attacker
2) Cyber defense intelligence: information on defender vulnerabilities and how they can be exploited by attackers
3) Cyber Threat Intelligence: information about the threat agent’s strategy, intent, capabilities and resources
What is a SOC
A Security Operation Center (SOC) is a central security hub for an organization . It is a place where all security operations are monitored and managed. The SOC can be considered an organization’s cybersecurity “command center”, where all security operations are monitored and managed.
We offer SOC as a service for our customers ( SOC aaS ), relieving them of initial implementation costs and constant infrastructure maintenance costs. Furthermore, our SOCaaS uses a NextGen SIEM system which guarantees speed and punctuality of responses.
CTI and the constant evolution of online threats
Cyber threat intelligence is the key to understanding the evolution of cyber threats and how they are changing. The constant evolution of threats makes it difficult for organizations to keep up with the latest security developments. Cybersecurity teams need to be able to respond quickly and efficiently to avoid damage.
In this ever-changing dynamic environment, Cyber Threat Intelligence comes into play. The CTI is the key element that allows you to understand how to protect yourself from various cyber attacks. In practice, this means that, thanks to a careful series of analyzes, it is possible to actually understand how to avoid becoming a victim of attacks.
The CTI therefore helps in identifying potential threats and provides this valuable information to the SOC, which can then implement specific controls for the threats detected.
It is important for companies to have their own Cyber Threat Intelligence to keep up with the constant evolution of threats. Companies need to understand what is happening in the area of cyber threats, and understand the path taken by various cyber terrorist groups.
The Security Operation Center and Threat Detection
The Security Operation Center (SOC) is the central hub for monitoring and managing IT security. In theory, this is a physical place where IT engineers and technicians work to defend the corporate infrastructure. However, it is not uncommon now to find SOC offered as a service (SOCaaS).
The first step in threat detection is to create a threat intelligence program . This program should be able to collect, analyze and share information about cyber threats and attacks with all interested parties in the organization. This step is carried out by a CTI team, and becomes an integral part of the SOC work process.
The second step is to develop a strategy to respond to these threats and attacks. The third step is to implement the strategy in operations through designed procedures, policies and tools. for a quick response when an attack occurs.
Security Operation Centers (SOCs) are responsible for monitoring networks and systems for any signs of cyber attacks or system failures that could lead to data breaches or other malicious events. Threat detection proactively engages both of us.

SOC and its importance in the CTI process
Therefore, the relationship between CTI and SOC represents a combination that must always be present if you want to be sure that operating online is an optimal type of operation to perform.
The interesting thing is the interaction that is created between these two tools, thus becoming an increasingly powerful solution in the field of IT security.
The SOCaaS we offer, in fact, contains a behavior analysis tool, very useful in identifying suspicious behavior and connecting them to potential threats, even afterwards. This aspect creates an internal source of information for the CTI, which can then add the results of the SOC behavior analysis to its search clues.
CTI and SOC feed each other, we can say, with information and solutions to support corporate security.
Our SOC and CTI services
As we’ve seen, SOC and CTI complement each other, so to speak. These two services are both offered by us and we are confident of the positive impact they have in the fight against cyber threats for companies.
If your company is looking for information on how to best protect the IT infrastructure from cybercrime, contact us for advice or to ask for more information, we will be happy to answer any questions.
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