
From Secure Online Desktop to Cyberfero: rebranding of the leading cybersecurity company
Dear customers and partners, we are pleased to announce that our company is officially changing its name: from today Secure Online Desktop becomes Cyberfero! In this article we will illustrate in detail all the news and reassurances related to this rebranding, which marks the evolution of our company. What changes at a practical level At a practical level, the change…

Free trial of internet services with Demos
The services provided by Secure Online Desktop are many and cover a large variety of needs. We realize that for the layman and the less experienced, this could be intimidating. In the midst of so much choice, how can we be sure that the service we need is exactly what we are about to request? For this reason, we provide…

Cloud services for small local businesses
Small and medium-sized businesses have little room for maneuver when it comes to investment. Precisely for this reason, every step that involves an expense is weighed and evaluated in every aspect before being carried out. We know the fears that underlie such reasoning, and for this reason we have decided to dedicate an article precisely to the advantages that SOD…

Cloud computing services in Reggio Emilia
Il cloud computing consente alle aziende di accedere a server, archivi, database e servizi aggiuntivi (applicativi), tramite piani di abbonamento flessibili. Ad oggi il cloud e’ onnipresente. Gia’ dal 2009, piu’ del 90% delle aziende utilizza almeno una applicazione basata sul cloud computing per gestire dati aziendali in modo sicuro. Inoltre, un numero sempre maggiore di aziende e organizzazioni non…

Managed Service Provider
When you approach the world of the network in a professional way, whether it is a site, an online app, a storage system or a VPS, it is quite clear that the management of computer systems requires specific skills that are not always available . So how do you make your company competitive on the network without having specific resources…

The history of Secure Online Desktop
Since 2011, Secure Online Desktop is a Cloud Computing services company based in Reggio Emilia (Italy). Founded by a group of engineers experienced in distributed data centers, the first product was a Secure Virtual Desktop, hence the name chosen for the company. The expertise that marked the foundation of the project also includes cyber security, as underlined in the name….

Cloud Milan
Cloud Milan The Datacenter in Italy of the Secure Online Desktop reside in Caldera street 21 in Milan at the MIX (Milan Internet eXchange). Our Datacenter is a Tier 3 with the following technical features: Cloud Milan – Physical security: The service you purchase includes structural elements and procedures to prevent / deter the physical access of unauthorized personnel…

Public Cloud
The public cloud provides the provision of cloud services in a virtualized environment, implemented through shared physical resources and accessible via a public network such as the Internet. It is opposed to the private cloud, which delimits the pool of underlying computing resources, creating a distinct cloud platform that can only be accessed by a single organization. Public couds instead provide…

Server Cloud
server cloud A cloud server or VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a fully-fledged server with its own operating system and well-defined hardware features only that unlike a classic server it shares physical resources with other virtual machines in this way more VPS can be run simultaneously on the same server (hypervisor). This virtualization technique allows significant cost savings and an…

Virtual server
A virtual server or virtual private server (VPS) is a fully-fledged server with its own operating system and well-defined hardware features only that unlike a classic server it shares physical resources with other virtual machines in this way more VPS can be run simultaneously on the same server (hypervisor). This virtualization technique allows significant cost savings and an optimization of…

Cloud services
cloud services The provision of Cloud Services is the core business of Secure Online Desktop, through these services we are able to provide our customers with support to all the company’s ICT processes. Thanks to the adoption of Cloud services, our customers can use a reliable Cloud Provider that, through its Datacenter, is able to implement and maintain the customer’s…

Autoscaling—load-balancer/&step=0 7 GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE THE AUTOSCALING OPTION 1. The hard disk or one of the server’s hard disks is full ◊ WITHOUT Autoscaling: Services crash and users of applications running on the disk receive a disservice image of the company and risk users do not return. ◊ WITH Autoscaling: The disks are resized according to the…

Public Cloud Reggio Emilia
public cloud reggio emilia Public cloud Reggio Emilia, the offer of the Public Cloud in Reggio Emilia of the Secure Online Desktop. The Public Cloud or Public Cloud is one of the models of cloud computing, where a Service Provider (or Cloud Provider in this case) makes publicly available on the Internet resources such as applications and storage. Public Cloud…

Datacenter in Italy
Datacenter Datacenter in Italy (Milan/Reggio Emilia) The Datacenter in Italy of the Secure Online Desktop reside in via Caldera 21 in Milan at the MIX (Milan Internet eXchange). Our Datacenter is a Tier 3 with the following technical features: Physical security: The service you purchase includes structural elements and procedures to prevent / deter the physical access of unauthorized…

Cloud Provider Reggio Emilia
cloud provider reggio emilia Secure Online Desktop is a Cloud Provider of Reggio Emilia, a Service Provider able to offer application services and / or disk space through private (private cloud) or public (public cloud or cloud) networks to companies or individuals. This means that software and customer data can be used via the Internet and are made available thanks…
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes L'impatto crescente delle minacce informatiche, su sistemi operativi privati op…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The growing impact of cyber threats, on private or corporate operating systems…
Tempo di lettura stimato: 6 minuti Today we are talking about the CTI update of our services. Data security is…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Il tema della sicurezza delle informazioni è di grande attualità in questo peri…
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes The issue of information security is very topical in this historical period ch…
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