Talking About Us
Case Study
Gruppo Tecnocontrol has formed a partnership with a big company in energy/power field. To work together and to improve collaboration with its 20 sites in Italy Gruppo Tecnocontrol adopted the Secure Online Desktop services. With "Cloud Desktop Thin Client" and "Cloud Desktop Light" products Gruppo Tecnocontrol was able to share company resources quickly with all employees without a large investment in IT infrastructure.
For each new geographical site the company does not need to install a new VPN connection, buy expensive equipment, create backup&restore policies and so on. Now, users in new sites have only to access to cloud to view all company resources.
Convention FIL, November 2012VODCA Online Desktop for Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy.
Download presentationNewspapers & web
- Punto Informatico, April 2021
- Perché Vulnerability Assessment e Penetration Test sono diventati fondamentali per identificare problemi di sicurezza prima che vengano sfruttati.
- Punto Informatico, March 2021
- Enterprise e piccole aziende, l'importanza di un Next Generation SIEM
- Punto Informatico, March 2021
- The SOCaaS solution allows you to reduce the costs of competence, with the benefits of a platform that is always protected.
- Steam Community, September 2012
- Developers of Steam can finally compile their games faster.
- Half Life2 new video, September 2012
- With the power of cloud you can create wonderful games.
- Steampowered, March 2012
- Compile Maps Super Fast on Cloud Workstation.
- Moddb, March 2012
- Compile ultra fast on cloud.
- LinuxFormat, December 2011
- The LinuxFormat magazine published an article called "Compatibility: How to get your open source software working with MS".
Read what our customers say, about our services and how Cloud can make your job easier while keeping costs low.

Gruppo Tecnocontrol
www.gruppotecnocontrol.itThe Tecnocontrol Group is formed by entrepreneurs and corporations that have been operating
in the multi-utility market since 2001. With 15 homes on Italian territory and a growing
band of users to coordinate, its use of Cloud has allowed the reduction of costs related to
personal computers and better management of the group. With Cloud Desktop the work of agents
operating in different geographic locations is easier, being able to access their data from any thin client.

US. Autoscout
USAutoscout founded 2008. The American car dealer which is able to import any car on the U.S.
market at the best price, whether new or used. In our reality, the agents travel a lot with
their notebooks, exposing the company to two major risks: 1) data loss due to theft or
computer damage, 2) the escape of sensitive information. With Secure Online Desktop it has
been possible to increase our security standards through encryption and centralized storage
of data.

Pane Vino
Panevino is the missing link between the slow and fast-food restaurants. The many hours
previously spent in the management of our computers and software have become short sessions
to exchange information with the support of Cloud Desktop.

www.svasrl.euThe purpose of the 2 founders Luca and Carlo Huber Cannas was to create a company capable of moving the utilities in the commercial world, initially in the field of telephony and internet services and then expanded later into the electricity and gas sector. With S.O.D. it has been possible to use all our tools without the need to manage it, a great achievement.

www.tisnet.itOnline store selling IT solutions and security. The Cloud Desktop Office solution was adopted by the backoffice with pleasing results.
Marcello Cesarini
Specialist business advice and services in the franchising. S.O.D. has been a real help in the centralization of information and with the every day work thanks to the Microsoft Office suite.
Power Network
Company call centers and consumer products sale. The implementation of the solution S.O.D. Office in our call center has brought with it significant advantages, allowing stations to have standards and in line with company policy.
Company call centers and consumer products sale. The number of failures and consequently the costs associated with PC has been significantly reduced.
Agency Fastweb SpA the number one seller in the residential Italy market. S.O.D. Solutions have been implemented in all the Italian offices to support and co-ordinate sales operations. An excellent result was achieved with the implementation of Cloud Desktop Office Light on the tablet of the agents.
High Power
Top Eni S.p.A. agency. Cloud Desktop Office has been a real help in the management of all IT back-office and front office departments.
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