Virtual Data Center con Secure OD Giacomo Lanzi

Virtual data center and its advantages

One of the biggest advantages of using cloud technology is that it allows relatively small businesses to access an IT infrastructure at low cost. In the form of a virtual data center, the expected expenditure is clearly lower than the capital needed to build a real one.

As a guarantee of flexibility and scalability, the cost remains limited to the actual resources used.

Definition of Virtual Data Center

A Virtual Data Center (VDC) is a collection or collection of cloud resources specially designed for business needs. The basic resources that can be assigned to the individual VPS, as for any real or virtual machine, are the processor (CPU), memory (RAM), storage (disk space) and the network (bandwidth).

A VDC is a virtual representation of a physical data center, complete with servers and storage clusters. These components reside, however, in a virtual space hosted by one or more real data centers.

Providers generally guarantee the continuity of the service thanks to redundant architectures capable of automatically replacing a machine that should be inaccessible.

The purpose of a virtual data center is to offer organizations the opportunity to expand their IT infrastructure. The big advantage is that it can be done without the need to purchase or install expensive hardware, which would require additional manpower, space and power.

The entire infrastructure of the data center is provided via the cloud, and therefore fully operable remotely.

Your flexible cloud infrastructure

Usually in the cloud we start with the virtualization of a VPS server. Continuing the experience it happens that the needs become more complex and structured. Therefore, virtual data centers come into play: entire architectures of data centers completely virtualized and defined through software.

The many services that VDC offer, such as SOD’s SuperCloud, facilitate network virtualization, storage and management security. Creating flexible and dynamic virtual data centers is really easy.

Simplify the allocation of IT resources and applications and make them available for use in minutes. Complete your VDC by automating resource management for optimal performance and good use of the calculation capacity of the individual VPS.

Advantages of a data center

Autonomy and total management of the infrastructure

Network dedicated to your data center

– Transparency and isolation of VPS, according to needs

– Hardware and dedicated resources

Flexibility and scalability of the machines involved

Upgrade / Downgrade in real time

Payment on consumption

Virtual data center overview

Through virtualization, it is possible to provide the IT infrastructure resources necessary to support a corporate business by exploiting cloud technology. Therefore, there is no need to purchase, manage and maintain a physical IT infrastructure.

A virtual data center offers CPU, RAM, storage and applications directly to the end user. Above all, it allows you to create and manage complex virtual machines, architectures and complex virtual networks independently according to the needs of the company.

A fundamental aspect of the VDC is linked to the autonomous management of the infrastructure. The end user who purchases a virtual data center can create the infrastructure he wants according to the specific needs of his business.

It is the ideal service for those who need very high performance and guaranteed resources. In addition, the most complete freedom and the possibility of expanding the virtual infrastructure without limits is guaranteed.

Virtual Data Center of SOD

Who is the service for?

Abbiamo visto una panoramica delle principali funzionalita’ di virtual data center. Ma chi sono generalmente i principali fruitori di questa soluzione tecnologica?

Normalmente i destinatari delle soluzioni VDC sono, professionisti del settore come web agency, e-commerce, aziende IT e rivenditori di hosting, solo per citarne alcuni. E’ abbastanza chiaro che siano necessarie competenze specifiche per la gestione autonoma di un data center.

Il mercato offre comunque anche soluzioni piu’ complete per chi volesse affidare la gestione del VDC a dei professionisti. Nel caso ci sia necessita’ di un’infrastruttura potente ad elevate prestazioni, e’ possibile appoggiarsi a soluzioni che offrano la gestione tecnica dell’infrastruttura.

Il servizio SuperCloud offerto da SOD offre tutti i vantaggi di un virtual data center ed è inoltre gestibile da ogni dispositivo.


We have seen an overview of the main virtual data center features. But who are generally the main users of this technological solution?

Normally the recipients of VDC solutions are, professionals of the sector such as web agency, e-commerce, IT companies and hosting resellers, just to name a few. It is quite clear that specific skills are needed for the autonomous management of a data center.

However, the market also offers more complete solutions for those wishing to entrust the management of the VDC to professionals. If there is a need for a powerful, high-performance infrastructure, it is possible to rely on solutions that offer technical infrastructure management.

The SuperCloud service offered by SOD offers all the advantages of a virtual data center and is also manageable from any device.

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